The Stage 32 Videos: David Lynch

Th'dread rattlin' - My nod to David Lynch (Dir: Al Carretta, 2018)

davidlynch #twinpeaks In 2018 I made th'dread rattlin' as my test experiment to see if I wanted to make psychological horror films. I flipped Rattlin' for about £700 and after its premiere in EdFringe in August never did a Final Cut and just released it in September...

THE ELEPHANT MAN - Roberto Leoni Movie Reviews [Eng sub]

Roberto Leoni reviews The Elephant Man (2019) directed by David Lynch, written by David Lynch, Eric Bergren, Cristopher De Vore

Tholo - Christos Anestopoulos

I always thought that this song is nice for film credits...i dont know :) Tholo from the album ``Wish You Could Stay...`` by Christos Anestopoulos. Christos Anestopoulos-guitar, David Lynch-sax, Vasilis Stefanopoulos-doublebass, Panagiotis Kostopoulos-drums.
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